Donne Haynes
Who is Donne?
Donne has lived in Barbados all her life; her work is a representation of her emotions, expressed through colour contrast and symbolic images. Donne is drawn to this particular type of art because emotions motivates her to express her creativity. With this type of art, she can do so in a manner that is not too literal.
Donne has lived in Barbados all her life; her work is a representation of her emotions, expressed through colour contrast and symbolic images. Donne is drawn to this particular type of art because emotions motivates her to express her creativity.
With this type of art, she can do so in a manner that is not too literal. For Donne, everything is connected, her mood/ emotions are expressed in her painting and this mood determines the colours chosen and brush strokes.
Donne is inspired by self-portraits, colours and embracing the surreal moment; for her, art is therapy.
View Donne’s work and follow her on Instagram.